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Stephen Christopherson, LCSW, CADC

Behavioral Healthcare Therapist

Stephen Christopherson is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker with a certification in addictions counseling. Stephen worked at The Gateway Foundation of Alcohol and Drug Treatment Center in the Adolescent Intensive Outpatient Unit and in the Men’s Residential Unit, employing a Mindfulness Based Sobriety program to help clients recognize a need for change and begin to develop a solid foundation in their recovery. He also worked at Linden Oaks Behavioral Health Outpatient Center, using a Dialectical approach for clients with chronic and acute mental health concerns. 

With a desire to help individuals improve their quality of life and achieve a sense of happiness regardless of their circumstances, Stephen is able to draw from his education and his own personal experiences to connect with people, developing strong therapeutic relationships to assist in lasting change. Stephen graduated from Aurora University with an undergraduate and graduate degree in Social Work with Addicitions Counseling specialization. 

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Arukah brings accessible & relational holistic complementary health and mental health care to rural communities



1916 North Main St., Suite 3
Princeton, Illinois 61356

Open Monday - Friday 8am - 6pm

(815) 872-2943


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