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Coping Strategies

Below are a series of videos you can do at home, in the office, or anywhere youĀ need to self-care. If you are in crisis or need immediate assistance,Ā please DIAL 988 or walk in to our Living Room location.

Coping strategies are behaviors that are designed to help us reduce negativeĀ emotions. Developing healthy ways to deal with stress,Ā anxiety, pain,Ā depression,Ā and difficult circumstances is a key component of evidence-based practices forĀ mental health. Learning and implementingĀ healthyĀ coping strategies is a routineĀ part of successful mental health treatment.

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Arukah brings accessible & relational holistic complementary health and mental health care to rural communities



1916 North Main St., Suite 3
Princeton, Illinois 61356

Open Monday - Friday 8am - 6pm

(815) 872-2943


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