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Cora Trumbo

Recovery Support Specialist

Cora Trumbo joined the Arukah team to work in the Living Room as a Recovery Support Specialist. Some of her past work experience include, a Patient Sitter at OSF St. Elizabeth Medical Center, a certified direct support at Ottawa Friendship House, and most recently she was a Care Coordinator Specialist at Alternatives. On Cora’s free time, she is an artist and has a passion for traditional art and graphic design. Cora has 23 years of lived experience and has a burning passion for helping those who are currently on the road to recovery and/or victims of those who have watched their loved ones’ struggle with addiction and/or mental health disorders. Cora’s long-term goal is to obtain a Bachelor’s degree in Social Work and continue a career in Harm Reduction.

contact us today


Arukah brings accessible & relational holistic complementary health and mental health care to rural communities



1916 North Main St., Suite 3
Princeton, Illinois 61356

Open Monday - Friday 8am - 6pm

(815) 872-2943


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