Janelle Cruz
Recovery Support Specialist
Ms. Cruz holds a Bachelors of Arts in Psychology. She is currently working on CEUS to test for CADC. She intends on continuing her education after finishing her CADC. Her plans are to attend graduate school to pursue a degree in Mental Health Counseling. Her goal is to be able to help people in our rural communities. Some of her past work experience include, a non-certified substance abuse counselor at a Correctional institution, Counselor 1 at a treatment center as well as lived experience. Ms. Cruz is a mother of 7 children, she’s in recovery and a mental health survivor and advocate. She is passionate about ending the stigma around mental health and addiction advocacy. Meeting people where they are at and giving them the chance, she never received.
contact us today
Arukah brings accessible & relational holistic complementary health and mental health care to rural communities
1916 North Main St., Suite 3
Princeton, Illinois 61356
Open Monday - Friday 8am - 6pm
(815) 872-2943
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